
Quik-Response: Canada’s Innovative Flood Defense Solution


Flooding is already more expensive for Canadians than any other climate problem. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, insured damage is estimated at $74 million in Ontario, $127 million in Quebec and $6 million in New Brunswick. The frequency and severity of floods have been proven to continue to increase; requiring Canadians to take more preparatory steps.

Problems Associated with Flooding

The major consequences of flooding not only cause financial distress but alterations in lifestyle. The following are the most common consequences Canadians face during times of flooding.

Road and basement flooding

When the amount of water is greater than the capacity of the drainage systems, roads get flooded; hindering the ability of Canadians to travel or even leave their homes. Owing to their position at or near ground level and below the waterline, basements are especially prone to flooding.

Immersed vehicles

Due to the high-water levels induced by floods, cars and other vehicles are frequently submerged more than halfway up its wheels. Harm to the vehicle’s engine and electrical structure becomes irreparable.

Dislocated home foundations

The strong impact of moving waters seep into cracks or holes widening foundation cracks. The damage is enough to undermine the structural ability of the foundation of your home, which places the house at risk of collapsing.

An Innovative Solution for Protecting Your Property from Flooding

With the extreme negative effects of floods on properties, roads, and valuable assets, flood defenses are critical to alleviating devastation.

Sandbag barriers are the most effective and common method of line of defense against floods. Its low cost and ease of use make it the popular and most preferred form of protection among Canadians.

There are, however, several downsides of the usage of normal sandbags. For starters, normal sandbags are constructed from non-UV-tolerant materials, which means that they degrade

prematurely. Not to mention, it is often challenging to store due to its weight and size. Normal sandbags also require a lot of labor for setup and deployment. It is a hassle to waste all the time and energy into setting up sandbags when time is also needed to prepare other parts of the house. Altogether, this makes it inconvenient and difficult to use normal sandbags.

Thankfully, a new innovative sandbag alternative offered by Vasalta Canada makes creating sandbag flood barriers a breeze.

Quik-Response: Self-Expanding Sandbags

Vasalta pioneers in solutions for environmental emergencies of all types. Their Quik-Response Self-Expanding Sandbags challenge the complications of traditional sandbags used for floods. It provides immediate relief against flooding which protects infrastructures and properties and minimizes potential damage.

Rapid Deployment

The inside of Vasalta’s Quik-Response Self Expanding Sandbags is made of an eco-friendly gel- like polymer. Once it is activated by water, it expands into a 40-pound functional sandbag within 2-3 minutes, allowing users to deploy a sandbag flood barrier 6x faster than normal.

Painless to Store and Transport

Traditional sandbags are extremely heavy and require more manpower to transport and store. However, Quik-Response Self Expanding Sandbags can be stored in a small room due to its flat structure before activation. Its flat structure also allows for stacking on top of one another; allowing for a quick and convenient transportation.

Environmentally Beneficial

Quik-Response Self-Expanding Sandbags are biodegradable and eco-friendly; benefitting vegetation and improving soils. After normal sandbags are soaked, the sand becomes mud which makes them messy and difficult to clean up. However, since Quik-Response Self-Expanding Sandbags are biodegradable and eco-friendly, they can be buried in the ground to hydrate vegetation and improve soils.

Save Time and Effort

Transporting sand, loading sandbags, and carrying heavy sandbags to a site is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Thanks to the weightless design of Quik-Response Self-Expanding Sandbags, you can quickly and easily transport and position them at the flood site where the floodwater activates it to 45x its growth.

As Canada is a maritime country, floods are inevitable. In fact, according to Vasalta, the frequency of flooding is expected to rise in the upcoming years. It is vital to reduce or prevent

the detrimental effects of floodwater damages that Canadians encounter annually. Vasalta’s Quik-Response Self-Expanding Sandbags provides the ultimate solution for Canada’s flooding.



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