
How to Make These 5 Simple DIY Bathroom Scents?


If your bathroom doesn’t smell very well, you can always look for different ways to make it smell friendly.

Below are easy to make DIY scents that can help keep your bathroom pleasant:

Cinnamon Stick Candles

You need pillar candle (at least 3-inches in diameter), cinnamon sticks, floral shears, glue gun, and dish or coaster. Steps are: Measure the height of the Candle. Cut the cinnamon sticks with floral shears to size. It typically requires 20 lengths per candle. Run hot glue with cinnamon stick, fasten it vertically to the candle side. Set it to a low temperature to minimize the melting. When the first stick is dry, snugly glue the next stick at it and repeat to cover the candle. Place the candle finished on a platter or coaster.

Baking Soda

You need one-half cup baking soda (per jar), essential oil of your preference (eight to 12 drops), mason jar, scrapbook paper, tapestry needle, scissors, and pen. Here’s how you can do it: Take the scrapbook paper and trace out the inner lid of the mason jar – cut out that piece of paper. Pierce the small piece of paper with the tapestry needle – it will make holes so the scent can waft through. Pour about one-half cup of baking soda into the mason jar. Add eight to 12 drops of essential oil of your choice – start by adding less oil. If not powerful enough for your space, add a little bit more. Place the paper scrapbook inside the ring of the mason jar and secure it onto the pot. Shake the baking soda mixture gently.

For shower remodel in Corona, CA or bathtub to showers in Corona, CA, contact DURACARE Baths.

And to know more about the different DIY bathroom scents you can make, read this infographic.

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