
Planning Custom Closets and Custom Storage Solutions in Vancouver


Some ladies and gentlemen want their closets to be organized; thus, every garment must be placed according to the occasion. That’s how meticulous they were when it came to clothing and accessories, so finding an outfit would be easier. Indeed, that is a good practice, so everybody must integrate it into their lifestyles.

Can you count how many times you have bought new clothes, bags, or shoes for different events and seasons in a year? All of those pieces of stuff are kept in your dressers so it’s also a problem if you don’t declutter or redesign your wardrobes. I guess you should also think about how much space there is before shopping.

Now, if you would like to reorganize your walk-in closet, then plan on hiring professional designers for Custom Storage solutions. These people have brilliant ideas when it comes to such problems. Therefore, before consulting one, let me give you some planning tips to ponder.

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  1. Flexibility

Dividers, drawers, shelves, and the entire wardrobe are supposed to have a variety of sizes. That’s because the way our garments were cut was different and unique. For example, we have long and short sleeves, skirts, pants, dresses, shirts, etc., thus, you can’t put everything in one place.

This means that you must choose designs where they can customize the shelves and cabinets. In this way, you’ll have space for each type of garment and accessory. If you have a long gown, then you’re not supposed to fold it because that will ruin its style, so there should be a space intended for these types.

It would be great if they could be built with adjustable features. With this, you’ll be able to manage and organize your stuff efficiently.

  1. Wall-to-Wall

With this design, it means that you’re going to occupy even the smallest space available in the room no matter what material is available – see for example. So why do you need some expertise here? That’s because you’ll surely just buy some furniture without realizing if this will fit or not.

Doing such will keep you in a mess because it’s like there’s not enough planning. Let’s assume you carefully picked the right cabinets or shelves. But before doing so, you should have measured the area to make sure that everything will be in place without leaving empty spaces.

In some closet interior designs, you’re allowed to fill up every corner and space as long as the furniture fits in according to your proposal. That’s why customizing the closets and storage is ideal in this situation. It will be great not to leave empty rooms when this can be aesthetically modified.

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  1. Floor-mounted

Some homeowners might prefer mounting closet systems on the wall. This means that it looks like a hanging cabinet since there’ll be some distance from the floor. While others would like it mounted on the floor to maximize the space,

When you mount it on the wall, it means that there will be a place for decorative toe kicks.  I guess it would look grander when mixing aesthetics and storing solutions here. You surely want to maximize your storage, but let’s also think of how our wardrobes can be attractive and stylish. Check this out for more ideas.

  1. Mixing Method

It doesn’t mean that you’re going to mix the garments in one place, because that will eliminate the organization factor. What we mean here is that you can customize the design by incorporating drawers, hanging spaces, and shelves in a more organized manner. Let’s say that you don’t have to hang all your clothes since you can fold some and keep them in the drawers.

You installed a custom-built hanging cabinet, for instance, so you’ll surely hang a variety of dresses here. However, you have to put the long and short ones in different corners; thus, use the bottom space for drawers where shirts or shorts can be stored. When shelves are on top, use them for accessories, such as hats or caps, while some clothes are hung below them.

This will require time and effort, but you’ll see how effective it is. Therefore, make sure to hire the best solution planners in Vancouver.

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  1. Heights

If you’re planning to make over or organize a wardrobe for short people and kids, it would be best when professionals are hired. Some of you might consider getting cabinets for an adult because your children may use them until they grow older. However, it would be difficult for them to reach hanging clothes and top boxes or shelves, which will just be used for displaying toys.

This time, you have to consider the height of those who’ll be using these closets. Sometimes, we shouldn’t only consider aesthetics here but efficiency for the users as well. That’s how experts in this field always think, and it’s something we often overlook.

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